Since completing my Life Coaching course in 2015, I’ve been setting goals for myself each year, using Leonie Dawson’s Shining Life Workbook. It’s a great little workbook that helps you review the previous year, and clarify what you’d like in the following one by reflecting on each part of your life.

From previous years, I’ve learnt to be a bit flexible, because you just don’t know what will happen. For example, last year was challenging and many goals were derailed completely. Not only did my Dad pass away, but my husband also had his heart attack. This meant I had to focus on healing my spirit and also supporting my family.

However, saying that, I’m really looking forward to 2019. It’s a whole new year which will bring opportunities that have yet to present themselves. So whilst I have set 100 goals, I’m open to the possibility of even more goals and new opportunities.

So here are my 119 goals for 2019…

Movies to see

I love going to the movies with my son, so this is a priority for us.

  1. How to train your dragon 3
  2. The secret life of pets 2
  3. Men in Black International
  4. Aladdin
  5. Lion King
  6. John Wick 3
  7. Jumanji sequel
  8. Star Wars IX
  9. Dumbo
  10. Toy Story 4

Places to go

Looking after my dad meant I was very restricted when it came to travel. This year, I want to go and see all the places I’ve been planning to in Ireland, but also finally going to Iceland and doing part of the Camino Way.

  1. Visit Parkes Castle
  2. Visit the Book of Kells
  3. Visit Carrowkeel
  4. Visit Newgrange
  5. Visit King House
  6. Visit Waterford
  7. Visit Athlone Castle
  8. Visit Belfast Zoo
  9. Visit the Titantic experience
  10. Visit W5 in Belfast
  11. Visit Iceland and see
  12. The Northern lights
  13. A geothermal spa
  14. The Mid Atlantic rift
  15. Visit Glencar Waterfall
  16. Do the Viking Splash tour
  17. Do the Moon River cruise
  18. Do a section of the Camino Way
  19. Visit Kilmainham Jail
  20. Visit Giants Causeway
  21. Visit London Zoo
  22. Visit Kew Gardens
  23. Visit my husbands family in the summer and at Christmas
  24. Visit the Natural History museum in Dublin
  25. Visit a SeaLife centre

Events to attend

  1. Women’s Inspire Network autumn event
  2. Attend a local networking event
  3. Attend a national networking event
  4. Go to Bloom
  5. See “We will rock you”
  6. See “Dr Doolittle”
  7. See “Grease”
  8. See “Joseph”
  9. See 2 shows at the Gaiety theatre
  10. Attend a sound healing workshop

Healthy Habits 

One of my writing goals is to create a Healthy Habits Journal. This is because when I was looking after my dad many days the only thing he would eat would be something with chips, from the local take away. My weight increased because of this and because of lack of exercise, so 2019 is my year to develop better habits.

  1. Eat a healthy breakfast for 30 days
  2. Walk 10,000 steps a day for 30 days
  3. Drink 2 litres of water a day for 30 days
  4. Eat 5 a day for 30 days
  5. Meditate each day for 30 days
  6. Go caffeine free for 30 days
  7. Have healthy soups for 30 days
  8. Practice QiGong every day for 30 days
  9. Practice self healing for 30 days
  10. No take away or processed foods for 30 days

Home goals

When we made space for my Dad, our home became more of a nursing home and less of our personal space. The house also became really cluttered with his stuff, and we had less opportunities to declutter. We’ve been working on a room at a time, and in 2019 we will finish it off.

  1. Declutter bedroom, wardrobe space and en suite
  2. Donate or sell unwanted toys and games
  3. Declutter paperwork
  4. Declutter kitchen
  5. Declutter spare room
  6. Donate extra bedding
  7. Sell 20 things on eBay
  8. Get house painted
  9. Paint Healing Space
  10. Tidy up garden


Again with looking after my Dad, we got into a rut with home schooling, so 2019 is our year to complete some books, and put the fun back into our home school.

  1. Finish toe by toe
  2. Work on the literacy hornet
  3. Complete each Kiwico project
  4. Complete the KS3 History and Geography books
  5. Complete projects on China, Mexico, Iceland and the US
  6. Read 12 books
  7. Complete 52 science experiments
  8. Visit 12 heritage sites
  9. Grow 3 fruits/vegetables from seed
  10. Learn 12 new recipes
  11. Learn about keeping chickens
  12. Learn about keeping bees

Just for fun 

  1. Knit a scarf
  2. Ride a Segway
  3. Have a seaweed bath
  4. Adopt an animal
  5. Read 50 books
  6. Do a 5k charity walk/run
  7. Eat something I’ve not tried before
  8. Go to a pop concert
  9. Go camping with the home schooling group
  10. Do a random act of kindness


  1. Read an old book
  2. Read a best seller
  3. Read a book for fun
  4. Read a book from a new author
  5. Read a biography

Personal Development 

  1. Attend the Tony Robins event in London
  2. Complete the Bio Energy course and qualify as a therapist
  3. Learn how to use Camtasia and make my own videos
  4. Do a sleep out for homelessness
  5. Learn a new skill

Writing Goals

  1. Publish the Happy Habits book
  2. Finish writing and publish the Wealthy Habits book
  3. Write and publish the Health Habits book
  4. Write and publish the Positivity Planner for 2020
  5. Write and publish the Kindness Journal
  6. Write and publish the Forgiveness Journal
  7. Write and publish the Creativity Journal
  8. Write and publish the Money Saving Journal
  9. Write and publish a book on quotes
  10. Re-write and publish the 13 week goals book

Scary goals

  1. Do a buy nothing new month
  2. Do a no-spend month
  3. Do a radio show
  4. Get a story in the local press
  5. Get a story in the national press
  6. Publish a guest blog post
  7. Create free ecourse
  8. Create signature ecourse
  9. Lose 52lbs by Christmas
  10. Do a Boxing day fun run

Finish off

  1. Dad’s probate
  2. Sort out dad’s camper van

Being a Life Coach is about helping others clarify what they want, setting goals to make it happen and then taking action. And that is what I also want for myself. Looking after my dad meant a lot of sacrifices, and I have no regrets about that time, but now it’s my turn to step up and have the life I want.

So what do you want for 2019 and how are you going to make it happen?