If 2018 a really crappy year for you, then perhaps 2019 could be so much better.

Maybe you started 2018 feeling hopeful, but then reality set in, and suddenly you were in that dark place again.

Overwhelmed by everything that was happening, feeling stuck.

And now it’s 2019, and again, you’re feeling hopeful. You’re willing to try something new, but you just don’t know what it is.

I know what that’s like. 2018 sucked for me too. My dad passed away, my husband had a heart attack 6 weeks later, and not only were we worrying about his health, we were also worrying about finances too. And even at the end of the year, when we were starting to pick ourselves up, disaster struck again, and we spent some of Christmas Eve in a hospital.

But I KNOW 2019 is going to be better.


Because over the years I developed some habits that help me remain positive, even when it feels like the sky is falling in.

My 3 key habits are:

The Gratitude Habit
By practicing the gratitude habit each and every day, I have said thank you for all the blessings that have come into my life. I have so much to be grateful for that even when we weren’t sure if Christmas would be spent at home or in a hospital, I knew we’d get through.

Research has shown that practicing the gratitude habit for just 21 days has a significant effect on your levels of happiness that last for months after.

The Meditation Habit 
By taking a few minutes each day to silence the monkey mind and clear it completely, its like re-booting a computer. Everything works better, I’m more calm, more relaxed and things that used to get to me, just don’t.

The Kindness Habit 
By practicing the kindness habit, not just to others, but to myself too. Recognising when I start beating myself up over some little thing, and stepping in to stop it. Why do we sometimes treat the people we dislike better than ourselves?

These 3 habits were key for me getting through 2018.

This is why I wrote my Happy Habits Journal.

I knew that no matter what, my positive habits are what got me through a really crappy 2018, but I wanted to more than just get through.

In 2019 I want to positivity flourish and bloom. So I sat down and thought about all the tools I’ve used in the past, then put them in an order that gave the most benefits first. I now have 12 happy habits to work on.

I’m planning on being positive in 2019, and staying that way too. And my happy habits will make that possible

Take care for now

Karen x

PS My Positivity Planner is still available on Amazon, but I’m going to retire it shortly. 
My Happy Habits Journal is an undated version, and it is only £9.99.

I’ve created a free support group, My Positive Year, on Facebook where the is a small community of people working through the habits too. When you join, you’ll get:
=> a daily dose of positivity post 
=> a weekly post asked if anyone would like some energy healing
=> a weekly post asking if anyone would like an angel or oracle card reading
=> a weekly post to check on you and offer help and support

I’ve made it as easy as I can to help you have an amazing 2019. I really hope that you make this small investment in yourself, and seek out the support that’s available to you.