I’m not an expert on affirmations but my own coach is, and we are always working on them. They have helped me immensely, but it has taken a while. In this post, I’ll share three mistakes to avoid in your daily affirmation practice. So, if you’re not seeing the results that you want with your affirmations then see if these three tweaks will get them back on track so that you see the results you expect.

Mistake 1 – Using different affirmations each day

One mistake that is easy to make is to use different affirmations each day. For affirmations to really work, you have to use the same ones every day so that new neural networks can be laid down. This takes time, so if you use different affirmations all the time, they won’t work.

Mistake 2 –  Giving up too soon

For affirmations to work, new neural networks have to be laid down in the brain, and that takes time. Be patient. Keep repeating the same affirmations every day, and keep doing it until it becomes automatic. If you give up too soon or are inconsistent in your practice, the affirmations won’t have time to settle into your subconscious.

Mistake 3 – Not focusing on your affirmation

Have you ever seen teenagers repeating stuff back with a couldn’t care less attitude? You know that what they’re repeating went in one ear and out the other. When it comes to your affirmations, it’s really important to focus on what you’re saying, whether that’s mentally or out loud. You should be able to memorise your affirmations and repeat them at any time of the day.

So, those are my three mistakes to avoid in your daily affirmation practice. If you want your affirmations to work, then you need to make time for them and be consistent with your practice. Only then will they be effective.

Good luck.

PS Here are some other posts in this series that you might have missed:

What are affirmations?

The science behind affirmations