If you follow me on social media, you’ll notice that each morning I post a daily dose of positivity, and as part of my morning routine, I used affirmations to help me start the day in a positive state of mind. But what are positive affirmations and how do they work?

What are affirmations?

Very simply, affirmations are things that you say that you believe to be true. 

We’ve talked about beliefs before, and their power to either help you move forward or hold you back. 

When it comes to affirmations, these are the things that you say to yourself. It’s the stuff running through your mind all the time, and when your self-talk is negative, then it talks the form of your inner critic. The one that says you can’t, that you’re not good enough. The one that tells you you’re lazy or useless or incompetent or stupid. It’s a very powerful voice because it’s your own. The messages may have been something you were told in childhood or were used to keep you under control, but now they have become so instilled in you, that you don’t need anyone to tell you because you tell yourself.

What are positive affirmations?

Positive affirmations are the things that we tell ourselves that are positive. They help you re-write the script that your inner critic uses, and silences it.

Positive affirmations help you to re-programme yourself for better things. They help you to realise and acknowledge that you actually are good enough, that you are smart, that can figure things out for yourself. They help you see your reality in a more positive way.

Re-wiring your mindset for success

Using positive affirmations on a daily basis, you re-frame your reality by thinking positively. Good things may not always happen, but you won’t beat yourself up as much. You’ll be able to see things more objectively and treat yourself more kindly.

So how does it work?

Positive affirmations are straight forward.

1. Keep what you say in the present tense

2. Keep it simple and keep it positive

3. Keep saying it. We learn by repetition, and if you want your brain to remember them, then repetition helps create neural pathways in the brain. 

Some of my affirmations

At the moment, my affirmations are focused on helping me build my business, so I’m using:

  1. It’s ok for me to take time out.
  2. The universe has my back.
  3. I am a GREAT curator of money and my savings are growing.
  4. I am the answer to my client’s prayers. (* I have been told this!)
  5. I am growing my tribe.
  6. creating raving fans brings in more referrals.
  7. I embrace continuous and necessary improvement.
  8. I am so focused and productive.
  9. I focus on the activities that get me RESULTS!

Choosing your own affirmations

Positive affirmations are one of my happy habits and they are really important if you want to achieve any kind of success. 

Choose affirmations that you believe to be true or want to be true, and when you keep telling yourself this. It will start to come true because you’ll start to believe it’s true. It’s a virtuous circle!
Give it a go, and let me know how you get on.