It’s that time of the month, the time I reflect on last months goals and set new ones for this month. So here are my goals for September 2018. But first, to check in on August.

Reviewing August’s goals

Here’s how I got on:

Homeschooling. Reading is an ongoing process. We didn’t do as much as we should, mainly because it was too nice outside!. He did attend adventure camp, met up with other homeschooling families and visited heritage sites. He did his kiwico project on his own, building an automaton. We cleared dad’s room of furniture and have prepped the room for painting, but don’t have the funds yet to replace the carpet and get the furniture we want. So it’s still the kitchen table for us!.

Health. I’ve been working with a nutritionist and have got into the habit of having porridge with blueberries, flaxseed and mixed seeds each morning. I’m more conscious of when I’m thirsty so am drinking more water and I’m walking more. However, I’m still not in the habit of 3 meals/2 snacks a day.

Spirituality. I still haven’t completed the Angel Practitioner course but did completed the Meditation teachers course and am now qualified in this field.

Business goals. I have some gorgeous new business cards and finished off my daily dose of positivity emails and memes. This was a big project so I’m delighted to have seen it through. I’ve started posting the memes, but want to finish off my online shop before I send out the emails, as the first one includes a money off voucher. Dad’s garden room is almost cleared and I have a new desk, therapy table, book case and other bits now in the room. Just waiting for the funds to add a sofa and a second bookshelf, as the first one filled up rapidly! However, I haven’t started photographing things for the shop.

Money goals. I did write a letter to money and posted my limit of 10 items on eBay, and a few other things on Facebook. I didn’t do my own accounts, as I’m still dealing with my aunts and my dads estate.

Fun. We did go to the cinema and watched “Antman and the Wasp”. It was surprisingly good, and we totally enjoyed it.

Goals for September 2018

In keeping with previous months, I want to focus on these 6 areas:


This month we will:

  • continue to focus on reading, working on Toe by Toe and reading at least one book and the two magazines he gets
  • begin working on spelling.
  • visit 2 heritage sites
  • meet up with other homeschooling families
  • do 4 science experiments
  • cook a new recipe
  • build his latest kiwico project plus something using knex or meccanno.
  • begin using the key stage 3 books for each subject.

In addition, we will paint the room, get a new carpet down and set up my son’s study/my library room.


I want to continue working on my eating habits and increase my level of activity.


I’m starting my Bio Energy course this month, so will be focused on practiticing the skills learnt that weekend.

I also want to continue on the Angel Practitioners course.


I want to get the foundations of my business in place. To do this, I still have to:

  • finish off my healing space so that it is useable
  • get my online shops up and running
  • create my 3 healing/coaching programmes


It’s time to send of last years tax return, pay any tax outstanding and get my accounts up to date.

I would also like to:

  • write a letter to money for this month
  • sign off on my aunts estate
  • get probate send off on my dad’s estate
  • get my dad’s camper van in my name
  • look at the feasibility of buying a new house.


We are due to visit Taytopark with my husbands work.

We’ll also visit the cinema again and I’d like to read a book, just for fun. I love cozy mysteries and am currently reading the Agatha Christie Book Club series. I think Barbara Freethy has a new book out too.